This Introductory training is complete in itself, and will provide students with an opportunity for deep personal healing, as they will be receiving many treatments over the duration of the three days as part of the learning experience.
Students will learn the basic method of color puncture, as well as several additional therapeutic and healing skills that are used in Colour Light Therapy.
Introductory trainings and sessions are an ideal way of experiencing the power and versatility of Colour Light Therapy (CLT).
CLT is a holographic healing method which uses coloured crystal light to facilitate change at the cellular level, going to the very roots of emotional, spiritual and physical problems.
It is gentle, easy to learn, and highly effective. It creates profound results on the levels of the body, emotions, mind and soul.
CLT is derived from Colourpuncture - a method of using a light torch to treat acupuncture points and other points in the body - a method developed by German Naturopath,
Peter Mendel.
Basic energy of 3 body/energy types
Boosting the immune system and detox
Treatments for stress, anxiety and depression
Harmonizing body, mind and emotions
Dream zones to activate full life potential
Dreamwork analysis tools and diagnostic pictures
Lymph flow activation
Hormone balancing
Spine balancing
Cold, flu and pain treatments
Basic dialoguing techniques
Deep healing journey
1 x Perlux P-117 Colourpuncture Set
This item can be purchased here or by directly emailing viola.seiler@esogetics.com
If you would like to attend the course, but are not sure whether or not you'd like to commit to buying the crystal set to take home yet, please contact me as there may be enough kits brought along by other participants to make it possible for you to attend
1 x Wellness Esogetic Wildcrafted Herbal Oil (20ml)
This item can be purchased here​ or by directly emailing viola.seiler@esogetics.com
It is recommended that students wear comfortable clothing, preferably layers that they feel relaxed in
1 x pad of A4 white sheet paper
1 x pack of coloured felt tip pens or coloured pencils
Water and light energy snacks, lunch and a light dinner for the first day
Included in the training is a Treatments Manual that students will receive and be able to take home